17 Ekim 2022 Pazartesi

Hazelcast Jet StreamStageWithKey İşlemleri

Şu satırı dahil ederiz
import com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline.StreamStageWithKey;

filterStateful metodu
3 parametre alır
- ttl
- create function
- filter function
Örnek - deduplication
Şöyle yaparız
    () -> new boolean[1],
    (s, i) -> {
      boolean res = s[0];
      s[0] = true;
      return !res;
Açıklaması şöyle
The first parameter in the filterStateful() method is time-to-live. Event time is typically in milliseconds. This means each state object will be retained for at least 10 seconds. We have to choose this parameter to match the longest possible time window between two duplicated elements.

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Kullanılan harici kütüphanelerin sürümleri bu dosyada Dosyanın yolu şöyle hazelcast/licenses/THIRD-PARTY.txt