Şu satırı dahil ederiz
import com.hazelcast.internal.cluster.impl.ClusterHeartbeatManager;
Resetting heartbeat timestamps because of huge system clock jump! Clock-Jump: 174692 ms, Heartbeat-Timeout: 60000 ms]]
Bir açıklama şöyle
Hazelcast maintains an internal clock to sync the nodes (a clock vector the size of the cluster nodes). When a JVM on one of the nodes will pause longer than 10 seconds, the internal clock for that node will register the time drift and will log the following message:System clock apparently jumped ...
The following is a full example of the message:"INFO 2019-09-09 05:45:47,408 [cached1] com.hazelcast.cluster.impl.ClusterHeartbeatManager: []:5701 [1253850] [3.6.2] System clock apparently jumped from 2019-09-09T05:45:32.370 to 2019-09-09T05:45:47.408 since last heartbeat (+10038 ms)"
These drifts would cause the nodes to have a time difference between them. The time difference accumulates each time a long pause in JVM (> 10 seconds) is registered. When the time difference starts growing more than 20 seconds you might start observing first OperationTimeoutException messages in the logs.
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