9 Haziran 2023 Cuma

HazelcastAPI QueueStoreWrapper Sınıfı

Şu satırı dahil ederiz
import com.hazelcast.collection.impl.queue.QueueStoreWrapper;
Kod şöyle. İçinde bir QueueStore var
public final class QueueStoreWrapper implements QueueStore<Data> {
  private final String name;
  private int memoryLimit = DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT;
  private int bulkLoad = DEFAULT_BULK_LOAD;
  private boolean enabled;
  private boolean binary;
  private QueueStore store;
  private SerializationService serializationService;
store metodu
Kod şöyle
public void store(Long key, Data value) {
  if (!enabled) {
  Object actualValue;
  if (binary) {
    // WARNING: we can't pass original Data to the user
    actualValue = Arrays.copyOf(value.toByteArray(), value.totalSize());
  } else {
    actualValue = serializationService.toObject(value);
  store.store(key, actualValue);
binary için açıklama şöyle. Yani Queue içindeki veri byte[] şeklinde, eğer store içinde de byte[] olsun istiyorsak binary = true yapılır, eğer Java nesnesi şeklinde istiyorsak binary = false yapılır
Binary: By default, Hazelcast stores the queue items in serialized form, and before it inserts the queue items into the queue store, it deserializes them. If you are not reaching the queue store from an external application, you might prefer that the items be inserted in binary form. Do this by setting the binary property to true: then you can get rid of the deserialization step, which is a performance optimization. The binary property is false by default.

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