Şöyle bir VIEW yaratırız.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW orders ASSELECT id, CASE WHEN orderRand BETWEEN 0 AND 0.2 THEN '11001' WHEN orderRand BETWEEN 0.2 AND 0.4 THEN '11002' WHEN orderRand BETWEEN 0.4 AND 0.6 THEN '11003' WHEN orderRand BETWEEN 0.6 AND 0.8 THEN '11004' ELSE '11005' END as cust_id, CASE WHEN orderRand*1.5 BETWEEN 0 AND 0.25 THEN '501' WHEN orderRand*1.5 BETWEEN 0.25 AND 0.5 THEN '502' WHEN orderRand*1.5 BETWEEN 0.5 AND 0.75 THEN '503' ELSE '504' END as item_num, CASE WHEN orderRand*.66 BETWEEN 0 AND .25 THEN CAST(1 AS SMALLINT) WHEN orderRand*.66 BETWEEN .25 AND .5 THEN CAST(2 AS SMALLINT) ELSE CAST(3 AS SMALLINT) END as quantity, order_ts FROM (SELECT v as id, RAND(v*v*v) as orderRand, TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(v*10 + 1645484400000) as order_ts FROM TABLE(generate_stream(7)));
Şöyle bir customers IMap yaratırız ve doldururuz
CREATE or REPLACE MAPPING customers ( __key BIGINT, cust_id VARCHAR, last_name VARCHAR, first_name VARCHAR, address1 VARCHAR, address2 VARCHAR, phone VARCHAR ) TYPE IMap OPTIONS ( 'keyFormat'='bigint', 'valueFormat'='json-flat'); // Populate the customers map with data. SINK INTO customers VALUES (1,'11001', 'Smith', 'John', '123 Main St', 'Ames, IA 50012', '515-555-1212'), (2,'11002', 'Li', 'Guo', '456 Powell St', 'San Francisco, CA 94108', '415-555-1212'), (3,'11003', 'Ivanov', 'Sergei', '999 Brighton Blvd', 'New York, NY 11235','212-555-1212'), (4,'11004', 'Mohammed', 'Ibrahim', '42 Elm St', 'Dearborn, MI 48126', '313-555-1212'), (5,'11005', 'Patel', 'Ram', '5151 Market St', 'Trenton, NJ 08615', '609-555-1212');
Şöyle bir inventory IMap yaratırız ve doldururuz
CREATE or REPLACE MAPPING inventory ( __key BIGINT, item_num VARCHAR, unit_price DECIMAL, quantity SMALLINT) TYPE IMap OPTIONS ( 'keyFormat'='bigint', 'valueFormat'='json-flat'); SQL Populate the inventory database. SINK INTO inventory VALUES (1, '501', 1.99, 500), (2, '502', 3.99, 500), (3, '503', 5.99, 500), (4, '504', 7.99, 500);
CREATE OR REPLACE MAPPING PickOrder ( __key BIGINT, ts TIMESTAMP, item_num VARCHAR, quantity SMALLINT, cust_id VARCHAR, last_name VARCHAR, first_name VARCHAR, address1 VARCHAR, address2 VARCHAR, phone VARCHAR) TYPE IMap OPTIONS ( 'keyFormat'='bigint', 'valueFormat'='json-flat');
CREATE JOB PickOrder AS SINK INTO PickOrder SELECT ord.id AS __key, ord.order_ts AS ts, ord.item_num AS item_num, ord.quantity AS quantity, ord.cust_id AS cust_id, cust.last_name AS last_name, cust.first_name AS first_name, cust.address1 AS address1, cust.address2 AS address2, cust.phone AS phone FROM orders AS ord JOIN customers AS cust ON ord.cust_id = cust.cust_id JOIN inventory ON ord.item_num = inventory.item_num WHERE ord.quantity < inventory.quantity;
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